How Long is the CHC Exam Feature Image

How Long is the CHC Exam

The CHC exam, crucial for healthcare compliance professionals, is 2 hours long. It comprises various components to assess your understanding of compliance regulations and processes within the healthcare industry.

In reading this article, you’ll learn:

  • The structure of the CHC exam and the topics it covers
  • How to manage your time during the examination effectively
  • Strategies for preparation that lead to successful outcomes

Armed with this knowledge, you can master the CHC exam and elevate your career in healthcare compliance.


If you’re on the cusp of solidifying your expertise in the healthcare compliance field, the Certified in Healthcare Compliance (CHC) exam stands as a beacon of professionalism and dedication to ethical practices. We understand that amidst your rigorous preparation, one question looms large: How long is the CHC exam? In the forthcoming sections, we dissect not just the duration of the actual exam, but also the time you’ll invest in pre-exam preparation and the specifics that envelop the entire testing process. From the minute you decide to pursue certification to the instant you click the final answer, every second counts.

Understanding the CHC Examination

The CHC exam is your gateway to being recognized as a stalwart in healthcare compliance — a testament to your prowess in navigating the intricate landscape of healthcare laws, regulations, and ethical standards. Administered by the Compliance Certification Board (CCB), this exam marks a significant milestone in your career trajectory. As such, understanding its nuances can be a game-changer for your certification journey.

The certification process involves several stages that extend beyond the timed confines of the exam itself. Before you can pencil in your test date, it’s imperative to ensure you’re eligible and sufficiently equipped with the knowledge required to tackle the wide-ranging subject matter. You’ll find that the CHC exam not only evaluates your expertise but also your ability to manage time effectively under pressure.

Eligibility Criteria for the CHC Exam

Preparing for the CHC exam means more than just hitting the books — it’s crucial to ensure that you meet the eligibility criteria first. Have you racked up sufficient work experience in healthcare compliance? The CCB requires that candidates have at least two years of full-time work experience in a compliance role. However, if you’ve been juggling various compliance duties as part of a wider role — fret not. There’s room for you on this track, provided your work aligns with the compliance spectrum.

The specifics of these criteria are designed to affirm that only those with practical, hands-on experience in the field can sit for the exam. This means that the true length of your CHC exam journey might expand significantly when accounting for time spent gaining the required experience. Your dedication to meeting these prerequisites speaks volumes about your commitment to excellence in healthcare compliance.

Exam Content and Structure

With eligibility secured, it’s time to delve into the heart of the matter — the content and structure of the CHC examination. It comprises 100 multiple-choice questions, covering realms such as:

  • Compliance Policies and Procedures: Crafting, implementing, and monitoring internal controls.
  • Risk Assessment: Identifying and mitigating vulnerabilities within health care organizations.
  • Education and Training: Developing programs to fortify compliance knowledge.
  • Monitoring, Auditing, and Internal Reporting Systems: Ensuring mechanisms are in place for reporting and addressing compliance issues.

Each section weighs differently on the scoring scale, and you have exactly two hours to navigate through them. This snapshot of the exam’s anatomy not only illuminates what topics will come under scrutiny but also serves as a blueprint for how you should allocate your precious minutes. It’s a race against the clock that demands sharp focus and a well-orchestrated strategy.

Detailed Breakdown of the CHC Exam Length

When it comes to the CHC exam, time is of the essence. Your endurance for a solid two hours will be put to the test as you forge through the various sections. There’s no room for leisurely pauses or ponderous reflections here. By understanding the breakdown:

  • 90 minutes are typically allocated for answering the core content questions.
  • The remaining 30 minutes can be utilized for case-based scenarios that demand critical thinking and the application of compliance knowledge.

Resist the temptation to dwell too long on one question; keeping a steady pace is key. Remember, it’s a marathon, not a sprint. If you pace yourself right, you can cross the finish line with confidence.

Preparation Time for the CHC Exam

The preparation phase is where the bulk of your time will be spent. The journey to the CHC exam is as unique as the individuals embarking on it, with typical preparation times ranging from a few months to over a year, depending on factors like your existing knowledge base and professional experience.

Here are some steps to optimize your study schedule:

  1. Self-Assessment: Gauge your current level of expertise and identify gaps.
  2. Study Plan: Create a structured timetable, allocating specific hours each week.
  3. Quality Resources: Invest in authoritative study materials, such as the HCCA’s official guides and mock exams.
  4. Practice Makes Perfect: Regularly test yourself using practice questions to build confidence and time management skills.

This regimen isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. The diversity in your educational background and work experience will influence how much time you’ll need to spend hitting the books. Some may find that a cursory review of compliance regulations suffices, while others might need to dive into a comprehensive study to fortify their understanding thoroughly. Always remember, thorough preparation sets the foundation for success on exam day and in your subsequent healthcare compliance endeavors.

In the next section, we’ll explore what awaits you on the day of the exam, taking a look at the atmosphere you’re about to step into and the final steps in your CHC certification quest.

Test Day Schedule

When the anticipated day arrives, knowing precisely what the schedule looks like will calm any nerves and set you up for success. Your check-in process begins 15 minutes before the scheduled exam time, so plan your commute accordingly.

During check-in, you’ll go through identity verification and store personal belongings. These few minutes are primordial to your state of mind; approach them with calmness and see them as the final steps before showcasing your expertise.

Expect the following on your test day:

  1. Arrival: Aim to arrive at least 30 minutes early to account for unforeseen delays.
  2. Check-In: Be prepared to present valid identification and follow the test center’s protocols.
  3. Pre-Exam Briefing: Pay attention to any specific instructions given by testing staff.
  4. Taking the Exam: Once you begin, a relentless focus on the task at hand is crucial.
  5. Post-Exam Procedures: You might need to complete additional formalities after submitting your exam.

Remember, from arrival to departure, the commitment on exam day can span over an hour beyond the 2-hour examination window. Factor this into your schedule, ensuring you have ample time to engage with the process without the pressure of external commitments infringing on your focus. “How long is the CHC exam?” just one piece of the time puzzle — to master the day, manage each segment diligently.

For more detailed information about the test day’s nuances, visit the exam information page at HCCA.

Application and Scheduling Process

The timeframe for taking the CHC examination isn’t limited to preparation and the exam itself; the application and scheduling process must also be taken into account. Once you’ve decided to pursue the certification, you’ll need to:

  1. Submit your application to the Compliance Certification Board (CCB).
  2. Await approval which can take up to a few weeks.
  3. Schedule your exam through PSI Services, choosing a date that aligns with your preparedness.

Post-approval, you could be sitting for your exam within five days or further out, depending on available testing slots. It’s important to strike a balance between urgency and adequate preparation time. Be strategic and choose a date that affords you enough time for a thorough review while still maintaining the momentum of your studies.

Consult the PSI scheduling portal to explore upcoming dates and set your timeline.

Score Report and Retesting Options

After the intensity of the exam subsides, you’ll eagerly await your CHC exam score. If you take your test at a PSI testing center in the United States, your results are immediate, bringing an instant sense of closure — or the need for a revisit.

For those who do not pass on their first attempt, here’s what to consider:

  1. Reflect: Analyze which areas need improvement.
  2. Plan: Ascertain the soonest retest date and make a new study plan.
  3. Retest: When ready, reapply for the exam and face it with renewed knowledge.

A failed attempt can extend your CHC examination timeline by several weeks or months, factoring in the mandatory 90-day waiting period before you can retake the exam. However, view this not as a setback, but as an additional opportunity to fortify your expertise. Follow the guidelines for retesting laid out by HCCA to avoid any additional delays.

Frequently Asked Questions

Amidst the wealth of information pertaining to the CHC exam, some questions pop up more often than others. Let’s address a few:

  • How long is the CHC exam?: The exam duration is strictly 2 hours.
  • How many questions must I answer?: 100 multiple-choice questions encompassing both knowledge and scenario-based items.
  • What is the passing score?: The scaled passing score is 75 out of a possible 100 points.

These bite-sized insights should help streamline your understanding and alleviate any angst regarding the process. And remember, these are just the tip of the iceberg. For a deeper dive into the intricacies of the CHC exam, explore the comprehensive FAQ section.

Study Materials and Resources

A well-prepared candidate is a successful candidate. Your investment in quality study materials can make an instrumental difference in how you assimilate the massive amounts of information inherent to healthcare compliance. The HCCA offers robust resources such as the official CHC Study Guide and Flashcards, which are specifically tailored to mirror the exam’s content.

You might also consider:

  • Compliance Manuals
  • Code of Ethics
  • Guidance Documents
  • Webinars and Workshops

By leveraging a variety of learning tools, you can deepen your understanding and make your study time more effective. Remember, it’s about quality, not just quantity. Utilize your resources wisely, and they will cut down on both preparation time and the likelihood of needing to retake the exam.

For an array of study aids, don’t hesitate to check the HCCA’s resources.

Tips for Success on the CHC Exam

Navigating how long the CHC exam is and ensuring you come out the other side with a certification in hand requires more than just understanding the material; it requires strategy. Adopt these tips to boost your chances of success:

  1. Study Smart: Focus on understanding concepts, not just memorizing facts.
  2. Practice Time Management: Take full-length practice tests to get a feel for pacing.
  3. Stay Updated: Healthcare regulations evolve, so ensure your study content is current.
  4. Rest Well: Your cognitive functions rely on adequate sleep; don’t underestimate it.

These tips will help you maximize the return on your investment of time and energy. Let them guide you to a confident and composed exam-taking experience.


From the moment you ask, “How long is the CHC exam?” to the triumphant strut out of the testing center, the journey is a testament to your dedication and perseverance. Time, as you’ve seen, weaves itself through every part of the process—from preparation to application, to the peak of performance on exam day. It’s a path paved with regulation details, procedural integrity, and ethical complexities, but one that leads to a distinguished standing in the healthcare compliance community.

Remember, the exam itself may last only 2 hours, but the impact of your certification knows no bounds. The clock is ticking on an opportunity that promises professional growth, respected credentials, and the power to influence healthcare standards positively. Your role in shaping the integrity of healthcare awaits—embrace it with the knowledge, preparation, and strategy outlined here. Your certification story starts now.